Sunday, October 6, 2019

Game Brainstorm

Game Ideas

Idea 1: Just a simple quiz game similar to something like trivial pursuit or perhaps an adaptation of a trivia game show like the chase, pointless, jeopardy or maybe even family feud, depending on my capabilities in unity. These Ideas seem pretty simple and can make a pretty enjoyable game as long as a few simple things are kept in check such as a lack of repeating questions. Attached is a review of Family feud 2010 edition

Idea 2: A plat-former game seems like a simple yet fun idea for a game, however you would need to focus on level design and controls in my opinion. A great plat-former game in my opinion is "super meat boy" by Edmund Mcmillan. It has good controls, interesting levels and is just a simple fun game. Plat-former need to avoid being clunky and slow in order to make the player feel like things are happening at a good pace. This review repeats things I have said, such as the game being simple yet fun.

Idea 3: A game akin to something like The Binding Of Isaac or Enter The Gungeon in which you collect randomized items in randomized areas while fighting randomized enemies, games like this are infinitely replayable however they may be quite a challenge to create as so many things will be needed such as a durth of items, areas and enemies. The binding of isaac is a 40 minute long game that many people have thousands of hours in so it is quite the marvel of game design.

Idea 4: My final idea is a silly game similar to something like goat simulator, get a fairly innocuous controllable character and add as many zany effects to the game world as possible, something silly that people can have fun with for a little while without taking itself too seriously. This review opens with a similar sentiment " goat simulator is a joke of a game. It’s small, deliberately unpolished and buggy, and its design is simple."

Image result for family feud 2010 edition


  1. Hello Liam, I had a read through of your game ideas and I really enjoy all the ideas you have proposed here. A family feud like game is rather interesting and could provide hours of entertainment for the players. I think your platforming game idea is really something cool and could be very exciting to play and experience, I'm very excited to learn more about the idea behind the game in the future if you choose to focus on it.

  2. Hi Liam,

    I love your Idea for the family feud game as it reminds me of the old buzz game from the ps2 console. I think this is personally and under looked genre and could really have potential in the future even if it had new characters/contestants to unlock as prizes to incent the player to replay it more. I like the concept and hoe whichever you pick goes well in the future.


  3. Hey Liam,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog I really like your ideas the one I found the most interesting is your third idea I really like the idea that you can collect random items in random areas while fighting random enemies I like that you do not know what is going to happen in the game and that it is completely random I also like that the game is infinitely replayable. I also really like the idea of a funny/silly game I like that the game is controllable and you can add as many effects to the game world as possible I like that it is just for fun and people can do what they want in the game and just play around with the game maybe you could add that you can also create your own character. I really enjoyed reading your blog and hope to read more from you soon.
