Thursday, March 5, 2020

reading 6

In the reading I have done this week I got together a couple of interesting papers on video games impact on speech and language development. Obviously papers like these focus mainly on people who have difficulty with speech and language development. I learned in my reading that dyslexia has some impact on somewhere around 10% of the population.

 Dyslexia is a severely invalidating learning disability that affects literacy acquisition despite normal intelligence and adequate instruction.

Dyslexia is the main ailment that is focused on in quite a few of the papers I've looked at, both the ones I'll be using and the ones I won't be using. This is because dyslexia is a very common condition with a strong impact on the topic of my paper.

The main paper which caught my attention is one about video games aiding children with dyslexia in learning to read better. The paper puts forth that 12 hours of action video games had a positive effect on the reading comprehension skills and the reading speed which was measured in syllables per second. It also posits that this is because the high pace and reactions needed to play action video games translated into an attention span improvement which impacted reading abilities. More reading in the future will hopefully yield more interesting things like this.

I was initially intimidated by the scope of this project but as I read more and more I feel that it will be easier than I initially thought. The more I read the more confident I become about this project, I have fallen behind slightly but I will be back on the horse soon.