Sunday, October 6, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Above is an article about handling constructive criticism which is something I do on a near daily basis so I'd like to think I'm alright at it.

The article breaks it down quite a bit but the basics of it are to not lash out, remember why you are getting criticism, pay attention, think about it and apply it. This is quite a good system as people often get annoyed at criticism when it really could help them. if they simply remain calm, and consider what they are being told then they may come to realize that the person is trying to help them and they can improve.

I deal with constructive criticism when I train MMA, people tell me I'm doing something wrong or could be doing it better and I normally just listen and do it that way, normally they are right and I improve slightly but I have seen people get annoyed by it and take it personally which is just dumb.

This article says similar things but encourages people to seek out criticism as it helps them improve. It goes on to say that Rory Mcilroy actually pays people to criticize him because he always wants to improve, other than that it's more of the "just listen, stay calm, consider it" stuff that we've been over already. Things like this are important in all walks of life as being the best you can be at whatever you do will take you very far.

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