Workshop review
In our workshop we were tasked with explaining exactly how traffic lights function. This initially seemed like a simple task however after forming groups and having to explain how they work in a clear manner. My first thought was just have them all take turns being green while the others remain red but then we discovered we could have 2 opposing lanes green at the same time to improve traffic flow. At the end we remembered that we forgot to make the lights turn orange ever. such a simple yet important thing that was simply overlooked.
What I learned from this is that the perspective of others on something very simple can change how I look at things. I learned that simple tasks can be far more difficult than they may seem initially. This taught me that thinking before any simple task could help me far more than I may have thought. If I thought about the traffic lights for just another minute or two longer than I did then I may have remembered that the orange light is just as important as the red and green are.
Overall the workshop was brilliant in its simplicity, just back from summer, early in the morning I wouldn't have been ready for anything advanced so a simple traffic light conundrum was just simple enough to get the brain working and to teach me a little bit about how to communicate ideas and thoughts with a team, a skill that will certainly come in useful in the coming months.
Image credit goes to the good people of
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